Echo Dots for Everybody

Amazon has hit on something huge with the Echo. Something that is here to stay.

They are sold out through Christmas.

Google has jumped feet first into the market.

And the best leading indicator of them all, the Development community is on board. There are more than 3,000 “skills” currently available and growing rapidly.

The newest and smallest iteration is called Echo Dot. It currently sells for $39.99.

I believe it would be worth it if Amazon just gave them away for free.

Outside of the marketing burst it would garner, Amazon would then have a microphone, speaker and network appliance inside of everyones home.

Always listening.

Always interacting.

Always collecting data.

Always learning, becoming more helpful.

And of course, placing the entire World of Amazon just a shout away.

The battle for this space is the battle to control the home, and although they may not know it today, customers are choosing their ecosystems for life.

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